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Triangulararayan Temple

Uttarakhand has been considered one of the most important tourist places in the state along with religious places. This ancient temple of Trivugar Narayan is situated in Rudraprayag of Uttarakhand. In this temple, a stone statue of Lord Lakshmi and Bhudevi has been established along with Lord Vishnu. In the sanctum of the temple, other incarnations of Vishnu, idols of Lord Rama and Vaman Deities have also been kept. There is also a statue of Badrinarayan. Four palms of Brahmakunda, Suryakunda, RudraKunda and Saraswat Kund are present in front of the temple. A rock is seen on a short distance, on which it is said that the marriage of Shiva and Parvati are concluded right there It was a havan Kund era ignited by the ages. Shiv and Mata Parvati had taken seven rounds around this. It is such a belief. This was called Triuji due to the fire burning from eras. During the marriage, Vishnu performed all the rituals in the form of Parvati’s brother. Brahma was the priest of that marriage. In that marriage, all the Goddesses were present in the audience. Then Havan Kund is burning like this in which people still worship wood, barley, sesame, etc. and worship the burned incarnation as a house of Prasad. They believe that it is their living Hico’s life was always pre-bath become priest Brahma happily Rhegakbrhmkund. Jalandhar comes from Saraswatikund in Brahmakund, Rudra Kund and Surya Kund. The water comes from the navel of Vishnu in the Saraswati Kund. It is also validation. In the form of Vishnu Vamana, King had come to dissolve the sacrifice. This is the reason that Lord Vishnu Is worshiped as Vaman.

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